Distracted Driving is 100% Preventable

Make the Pledge to End Distracted Driving

“Driving is not a multitasking activity. It takes visual, physical and cognitive awareness.The visual is your eyes on the road, the physical is your hands on the wheel, and the cognitive is your awareness of what’s going on around you, and if you’re messing with an electronic device while you’re driving, probably all three of those are off the table.” (CDOT Victim Testimonials)

Let’s face it; we have all been distracted drivers at some point in our driving careers. Recognizing the behaviors that lead to distracted driving are the beginning of putting an end to it, and hopefully, a decline in collisions and injuries to vulnerable road users. Distracted driving is 100% preventable. 

While distracted driving is most often associated with cell phone use such as texting, reading messages or talking on a hand-held phone while driving, distracted driving behavior is also looking down from the road while changing radio stations, eating or drinking, having a conversation with a passenger, or even admiring the landscape. When you take your focus away from the road and your attention is diverted away from other cars, bicycles, or pedestrians, you are distracted. It just takes a second for a distracted driver to change someone’s life permanently.  Sadly, distracted drivers have struck far too many of our clients.      

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

In Colorado, forty two crashes per day involve distracted driving according to the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT). Despite a rising number in injuries and crashes, a survey of Colorado drivers in 2020 revealed that 92% admitted to driving distracted on a weekly basis, which is an increase from the 90% reported in 2019. CDOT also reported that drivers ages 21-30 make up the largest category for at-fault distracted drivers in Colorado.

We joined/are joining CDOT as well as other safety partners in conjunction with April Distracted Driving Awareness Month (and beyond!) to help raise awareness of the dangers of distracted driving and to share CDOT’s messages..  

As part of its Distraction Reactions campaign, CDOT is asking drivers to reconsider their behavior behind the wheel. Forty eight coffee shops throughout the state will serve coffee in cups warning about the dangers of distracted driving.

CDOT’s distracted driving safety messages on social media are urging Coloradans to #DropTheDistraction and #JustDrive. When you are behind the wheel, all other tasks can wait. It’s not worth the risk. 

As a reminder, the laws in Colorado are:

  • No text messaging while driving for any age group.

  • Only adults are allowed to make voice calls.

  • Anyone under the age of 18 is not allowed to use a cell phone while driving.

There are, of course, exceptions to the law under certain circumstances. Drivers, regardless of age, are allowed to use a cell phone to either call or send/receive text messages to a public safety entity or during an emergency. 

Current penalties for the misuse of a wireless device are as follows:

Adult Driver Penalties.png
Minor Driver Penalties.jpg

According to CDOT, deterrents to distracted driving include:

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • Hands-free features,

  • Safety concerns,

  • Expectation of getting a ticket, and

  • Blocking calls and messages.

However, in a recent survey from CDOT, a majority of respondents reported having a “Do Not Disturb While Driving” feature on their phone, but half had never used it.  If you would like to learn how to activate the “Do Not Disturb” option on your phone, please visit DISTRACTED.CODOT.GOV.

Here's our Call to Action for Cyclists:

If cyclists driving cars cannot put down their own phones, how can we ask motorists who ARE NOT cyclists to do so?  We cannot lambaste "those motorists" for driving distracted while exhibiting the same behaviors. It always helps our causes and battles when we can say cyclists are doing everything we can as a group to improve our own conduct.

We have more information on distracted driving and what you can do to make the roads safer for all users in our blog post Take the Pledge:  April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Don’t put others at risk. Put your mobile electronic devices down while driving or just turn them off.

Visit CDOT's distracted driving page for more information about the campaign and to view testimonials given by victims of distracted driving.

Best Advice I Ever Received: Bike Ambassador Blog Post

Best Advice I Ever Received  - by Bike Ambassador Jen Lorenz


I was recently asked about the best advice I received as a new rider. I received a ton of good advice as a new rider ranging from do not wear underwear with your bike shorts to getting a proper bike fit. I now share both pieces of advice with any new rider I meet.  This post reminds me to heed my own advice.

Last summer I purchased a new road bike. I thought I could directly transfer my measurements from my old road bike to my new road bike.  The bikes are completely different brands with completely different geometry.   

After the initial shine and awe of riding a new bike wore off, I started dreading riding my fancy new road bike. I could not figure out what it was about my new bike that I did not like. It was obviously different from my tried-and-true old bike. My old bike was familiar. It was like a limb, and we fit together perfectly.  I convinced myself that riding my new bike would involve an adjustment period. I still needed to get to know my new bike and bond with my new bike- I just needed to give it a chance.


Fast forward 6 months, and I was considering selling my new bike. We were not bonding.  Every ride felt slow and sluggish. When I got off my new bike my knees and back hurt and I felt old.  I do not like things that make me feel old. But, that was the key. As I complained to my husband about how my knees hurt and my back ached, inspiration struck- or, maybe common sense finally kicked in.  If I felt slow and sluggish and my knees hurt, maybe my seat was too low.  My husband is no bike fit expert, but he is pretty smart.  His unaided eye immediately recognized that my seat was in fact too low. If the seat was too low, it was likely other things were off, too. A quick trip to my local bike shop and sage bike fit expert could remedy my problems and save my relationship with my new bike.  Like I had been told years ago - A good bike fit is essential for every single bike in the quiver. My favorite bike fitters are at C3 in Golden - https://c3bikeshop.com


C3 Bike Shop Address:

16035 Table Mountain Parkway

Golden, CO 80403

C3 Phone Number


Spreading the Bike Gospel

Co-captains Megan & Erin

Co-captains Megan & Erin

Inspiring people to use their bikes for racing and commuting…

We are the Bike Ambassadors: a team of men and women cyclists passionate about racing, riding, and commuting.  Our goal is to spread the bike gospel by sharing our lessons and adventures in racing and commuting in the hopes that we get others riding, commuting, and driving less! 

Our mantra is #RIDEMOREDRIVELESS, and we hope to make it yours, too. We want to help other men and women learn how and where to start. What bike to buy?  What to wear?  What route to take?  How to change flat tires and perform basic bike maintenance? Follow along our team and we will teach you.

What does it mean to be a bike ambassador?

Here is what Megan Hottman, founder and co-captain of the team says: 

Mel and Erin enjoying a ride together. They met some 20 years ago, in Washington DC, and have been friends ever since!

Mel and Erin enjoying a ride together. They met some 20 years ago, in Washington DC, and have been friends ever since!

Bike Ambassador Gerry escorting his daughter to work.

Bike Ambassador Gerry escorting his daughter to work.

Being a bike ambassador means to welcome everyone into the cycling community and family. Everyone. It means to show people how the bike makes your life better—to lead by example—so that they may be intrigued enough to ask, “How can I get into that?” Guide them.

It means to help and to coach newer riders with equipment selection, tips and tricks to make riding more enjoyable, and showing them safe routes to ride. It means to demonstrate lawful and conscious riding behavior to other road users so that they feel at ease near cyclists and are motivated to share the road with cyclists.  Similarly, it means riding courteously on bike trails and bike paths so that other users like pedestrians and runners, families, and small children see cyclists as allies and friends.

Being a bike ambassador means every time you put your leg over the top tube of a bike, you consciously choose to embody the best of cycling and to show it to the rest of the world—to everyone you encounter. This means when wearing a bike helmet into a coffee shop or store, you greet people with a friendly “hello” so they will be left with a positive association with you as a cyclist, and therefore, cyclists in general.

 It means saying “on your left” or using your bell. It means not speeding on congested speed-limit paths. It means waving to motorists and acknowledging their friendly gesture, like letting you proceed first. It means a head nod or wave to other cyclists.

Our gravel and cold-weather racer, Christopher.

Our gravel and cold-weather racer, Christopher.

Being a bike ambassador means you go out into this world showing it the incredible and contagious virtues of cycling! This is what our team strives to do daily when we are out on our bikes or talking about cycling.

This year, our team is made up of eight women and six men, mostly based in Colorado, who ride all kinds of bikes—road, mountain, fat tire, e-bikes, and even cargo bikes—and participate in various disciplines including cyclo-cross, road, mountain, and gravel rides. In the past, we have even had members who raced in track cycling at a local velodrome. Nine members of our team will be riding at FoCo Fondo on July 25th.

We come from all walks of life, vary in age, and occupation. We have one retiree on our team. Some race, some use their bikes exclusively for commuting. Even if our Bike Ambassadors use their bikes for different purposes, they all have one thing in common: their passion for cycling.

Melissa is our cargo-bike expert !

Melissa is our cargo-bike expert !


Ben Boncella represents our team in Raleigh, North Carolina. He recently moved there from Colorado and loves to run and road bike.

Jen Lorenz has not always been a bike rider but is one of our long-standing members. She has been on the team since 2012 when it was known as TheCyclist-Lawyer team.  When Jen moved to Colorado with her husband from the Midwest in 2006, she did not even own a bike. At that time, she vowed that she would never be one of those people riding a bike on the side of the road wearing Spandex. That is until her husband started riding bikes with friends and having a really good time. Jen wanted in on the fun. Her husband bought her a pink bubble gum Trek bike off the Internet. After a trip to Italy for a bike vacation, Jen was hooked.  She then raced Tri for a Cure and loved the bike portion of the race.  Jen met up with Megan at the pillars of Lookout Mountain when the School of Mines used to host the race up Lookout and learned about the team. She then traded in her pretty, pink Trek for a race bike and has been an avid rider ever since.

Jen & Cheryl

Jen & Cheryl

Over the years, Jen has done most every ride and race in Colorado and has made amazing friends through cycling. She has traveled to some incredible places on her bike. She and her husband have made it a priority in their vacation travels to stay at hotels where bikes are available or cities where they can rent bikes at a bike kiosk. While in Kyoto, Japan, Jen and her husband rented e-bikes from the hotel. They were able to explore the city in a way they never would have if they had taken the subway or a taxi.

This year, Jen would like to participate in any race or ride she can. Last year, all of her races were cancelled because of COVID and her office closed as well. She typically rides to work as much as possible. However, with no office to bike to, her regular commute was limited. Since everyone is working from home these days, Jen and her husband were able to spend most of the summer in Salida where you bike everywhere.

As a Bike Ambassador, Jen hopes to introduce people to the extreme joys of biking.  Bikes are not just a mode of transportation, although they can also be that. People who bike are a community, and biking transcends barriers like language and politics.  The one person who comments most frequently on her Strava rides is a cyclist she met in Peru. In 2018, Jen was one of our Bike Ambassadors who worked together with the Golden Police Department to film public service videos called “Keeping it Wheel” to educate both motorists and cyclists about cycling safety. 


Jen will be participating in the 25-mile ride at FoCo Fondo. She will be racing Tri Boulder the day before, so the Foco Fondo will be her recovery ride.

Cheryl is a World Record Holder. She, along with a team of 24 other riders, rode 28 hours on a static bike to generate awareness about cycling and to raise money for PeopleForBikes.

Cheryl is a World Record Holder. She, along with a team of 24 other riders, rode 28 hours on a static bike to generate awareness about cycling and to raise money for PeopleForBikes.

Cheryl Gaiser is another long-time member of the Bike Ambassador team. She has been on the team for seven years and raced on prior teams that Megan managed. “There’s nothing like the camaraderie we have as a team during rides,” she says. Cheryl is constantly looking to assist new riders with tips. This year, she will be helping the BA team members who are participating in the 50-mile ride at FoCo Fondo for the first time. “I think we as cyclists have a real opportunity to get more people involved with cycling,” she says.

Cheryl took a part-time job at a local bike shop because she loves cycling so much and has been taking some of her co-workers on gravel training rides.

This year, her goals include getting more involved in Gran Fondo, Tours and half or full Century rides. Cheryl says these all seem scary at first, but if we can get out there as bike ambassadors and show people that it is doable, she thinks we will see more ridership.

Andrew often commutes to work…sometimes even with his dog!

Andrew often commutes to work…sometimes even with his dog!

Thomas Stott has been on the team two years, though he has been collaborating with Megan on all-things-bike-related for a little over three years. He decided to join the Bike Ambassador team because he was ready to take his voice into advocacy.  He is a lifelong athlete and is excited for the chance to spread positivity and good vibes through to his teammates.

Thomas is our advocacy liason.

Thomas is our advocacy liason.

Tom has known about all the benefits of riding a bike for most of his life (his dad had him riding everywhere on two wheels), but he had only shared it minimally with the public.  When Megan extended an invitation and the opportunity to link up with some like-minded cyclists, he was "all-in."

As a Bike Ambassador his goals this year include:

●      posting in the social spheres about how to include a bike in your life more,

●      leading a neighborhood activity group (pairing parents with kiddos on bikes when things open a bit more/more vaccinations are administered),

●      continuing to set an example of utilizing the bike for commuting purposes and encouraging coworkers to follow suit.

Tom tries to govern his life by the Golden Rule and thinks of spreading the bike gospel in the same scope.  He finds the best way to bring up all the positivity around bikes is to really take a few steps in your audience's shoes.  Are you talking to drivers who are mad that they must share the road with cyclists?  “Better watch your tone!  Never meet aggression with aggression; it will get you nowhere,” he says.  This example is exactly why, at 38 years old, he is ready to start speaking out about what he believes in a bit louder.  From kindly chatting with a gentleman that yelled at him before he turned into a shopping center to speaking to a group of Girl Scouts, spreading the bike gospel starts with spreading love, kindness, and good intention.

Juliet rides road & gravel and is starting to commute by bike from Denver to Golden for work!

Juliet rides road & gravel and is starting to commute by bike from Denver to Golden for work!

Tim’s, aka Tmac, racing/riding plans include Old Man Winter, Sunrise to Sunset MTB, FoCo Fondo, Dead Man Gravel, and the Triple Bypass

Tim’s, aka Tmac, racing/riding plans include Old Man Winter, Sunrise to Sunset MTB, FoCo Fondo, Dead Man Gravel, and the Triple Bypass

Jess will be riding the 50-mile Foco Fondo

Jess will be riding the 50-mile Foco Fondo

Please visit our blog to get lots of tips and advice from our Bike Ambassadors and find out more about the team. We have covered everything from how to dress for cold weather riding to transitioning from a road bike to an e-road bike. You will find lots of useful information especially if you are new to biking.

Our team is sponsored by: TheCyclist-Lawyer, Champion System, Crafted Energy, C3 Bike Shop and Panorama Orthopedics & Spine Center.

When Exercise is Restricted due to Injuries... Try Cycling! And Ebiking!

A guest post by our Bike Ambassador team member Gerry!

Gerry, do you like walking on your own or would you prefer a cane, walker, or wheelchair?
— -Gerry, recounting what his ortho doc said to him
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Hi fellow Bike Ambassadors and those who love to ride but might be limited by health issues …

Let me take you way back to when I was 45 years old, circa 1998/99, so you get where I am coming from. I was an avid runner for many years, competing in many races from 5Ks to marathons. I never won a race by coming in 1st, but I won every race because I completed every race I entered. Included in the 10 marathons I ran were two Boston Marathons: 1995 and the 100th running in 1996. My best time was 3:15 which is about 7:20 a mile. 

Then my health issues started coming to the forefront of my life, first limited, and then, eventually stopped my life of running. You have to understand, I loved running, and still do, but my body would not allow me to continue without paying the heavy cost of serious injury and possible incapacitation.  I had a conversation with my orthopedic surgeon about this, and he said point blank, “Gerry, do you like walking on your own or would you prefer a cane, walker, or wheelchair?” Needless to say, I did not want any of those options at my age or, frankly, ever. 

Now fast forward to the year 2000, and I am more or less driving my lovely wife Vera crazy as I whine and complain about not being able to run and continuing to gain weight in a sedentary lifestyle.  I toyed with the idea of taking up cycling. (What!? At this point, I hated bikes and their riders), but the thought of continuing to do nothing was worse than the idea of sucking it up and giving it a try. 

So, the green light was given (most gladly) for me to go buy a “road bike” of some type. Thankfully, the folks at Louisville Cyclery were so very accommodating and so patient with me as I knew nothing about bikes, let alone road bikes! Do you have any idea what these marvels of technology cost!? A heck of a lot more than several pairs of running shoes and shorts. So, I tried my first road bike out, riding it around the block, and around the block, and around more blocks. Wait, what was happening to me? Was this a smile on my face and tad bit of heart rate going up!? 

I bought my first bike: a Schwinn Fastback Pro with more speeds on it than I knew what to use them for. There were three big ring things where the pedals are (yes, I knew zero bike terms) and nine little ones on the rear wheel. Learning how to change speeds with a single click or a swipe, which apparently changes three speeds, was “wow!” So with all this brain twisting tech to learn while riding the bike, there was the whole “CLIPLESS PEDALS” decision to make. Let’s cut this part short; yes I fell over the very first ride going around the block because I did not unclip and forgot all about the angle of attack on a tiny rise in pavement to sidewalk on those damn skinny tires. S l o w m o t i o n... oh damn, did anyone see me?? So, I walked down the sidewalk to the LBS and when reentering, the owner Scott said, “You fell, didn’t you?” Yes, yes I did. 

Riding home after getting the right shifter/brake thingy straightened out, I rolled into the driveway, unclipped safely, and parked the bike in the garage. Went in the house and immediately my wife said, " You fell, didn't you?" "What? Did you see me somehow?" Vera replied, "No, there is a hole in those new bike bib shorts, that's how!" Ok, ok, so the entire bike apparel thing is maybe for another blog post, because it's HUGE! 

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Fast forward to March 2015, I had massive pain in my lower back, could not get off the bike, and could barely walk. Had an MRI on Friday the 14th and, just like that, emergency back surgery Saturday the 15th. Would I ever walk again, dance with my wife again, or even ride again? In time, I recovered, and being in very good shape to begin with was so key to this recovery. Yes, I was riding again but not as well. Jump forward again to December of 2018, I started getting constant pain in my right hip, which was unbearable and unrelenting. As suspected, after decades of my own physical abuse to my body (which every bit of it was worth it) I had a hip that was nothing more than bone on bone. February 14th, 2019 was Happy Valentine’s New Hip Day for me, followed by an amazingly fast recovery and a hip that is so smooth, quiet and, so far, bullet proof. I found that I could ride again but not as well, as fast, as far, or for as long. 

Specifically, rides of length and climbing became so very hard but, as you know, I don’t quit, ever. It became rather evident that my drive, ego, need to finish every ride took its toll. After these rides, I would crash on the couch and doze off over and over. This would go on for a day or two. . .sometimes more. Once again, my lovely, amazing wife, Vera, spoke up. “You need to change how you ride so that when you are finished with your ride, you can actually function and do other things that day and the next day. You should look at e-bikes.” Oh no way, as I thought that all e-bikes looked like the bike used in the Wizard of Oz.  Enter SPECIALIZED TURBO CREO SL E5.

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I came across this bike in my search and was in love because it looked like a road bike, the bikes I love to ride (yeah, I know from the guy who hated bikes), so I had to have one. The order was placed with my LBS Louisville Cyclery, and I waited for the day for my bike to arrive. I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to ride this bike. I can dial in as much assist as I need and even ride in acoustic mode with no motor assist. I can ride just about any type of route now and not be completely exhausted after the ride. Now, YOU might be if you ride with me. . .sorry about that. Riding my e-road bike is a game changer of huge proportions. This will allow me to ride for many more years with those of you I could no longer keep up with, and I thank you for all the years you waited for me and never complained.

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 Riding an e-bike, however, does have some stigma with it, and as a bike rider and Bike Ambassador, it is my duty and obligation to help educate and show others that these amazing bikes have their place in our cycling world. Just think of all the people who can’t or won’t ride due to health reasons. Those who would never commute to work or for errands etc., because it’s just too far or hard. What a journey this has been for me, and it has not been easy because as you all know “if it’s easy. . .it ain’t worth it. . .it won’t last.” I am learning so much every ride on this bike and also how to react when riding with others on road bikes or whatever bike. Approaching another rider and just blowing by without even an acknowledgement is RUDE and WRONG, not to mention not safe. I always slow down, say hi, maybe strike up a chat if it seems right. This way, we are encouraging positive interactions between all riders. We are promoting the life of cycling in all facets, and this is just one part of it. 

My eldest daughter, Kalina, has an e-bike now, and I am so proud of her. She is using her bike for errands and, come spring, will commute to work and back, apparently with some “old guy” on an e-road bike as her commute ambassador. 

Come ride with me. Let’s chat, learn a bit about why I ride, and why I love to encourage others to ride. Let’s grow the cycling world together, one rider at a time.

I thank you for your time.

Gerry Stephenson (retired bike guy with a ‘stache) 


**Our team bike shop is C3 Bike Shop in Golden, CO. We encourage you to visit and support your local bike shop wherever you ride and live!!

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Cyclist Urges Others to Ride With All Available Technology

Cameras, computers, and crash alerts necessary to keep cyclists safe


Not only does cyclist Anthony Hardwick recommend riding with cameras, computers, and crash alerts to keep cyclists safe, he also wants to emphasize the importance of technology to document motorists when they are not being safe.

The driver who hit Anthony tried to wiggle her way out of accepting responsibility for the crash and even tried to pin blame on him by saying that Anthony was speeding in a school zone. In court, Anthony was able to point to his Garmin data and prove that he was not traveling above the speed limit. “The computer holds them accountable,” said Anthony. He has also invested in cameras that cost him $60 total which he runs front and rear facing now, just in case.  Anthony strongly encourages any bicycle rider to get a cycling computer that sends an alert via your cell phone in the event of a crash, or find a cell phone app that does the same. “Having loved ones at the scene to help you make decisions when you’re concussed is so invaluable.  I was a groggy mess and my wife’s help was so wonderful.”  Traffic camera footage, if available, can also be useful in holding drivers accountable. 

Anthony, a Bicycle Service Department Manager, has been riding bikes since he was in college back in 2006. He enjoys group rides and competition but mostly rides for transportation purposes. On January 22, 2020, Anthony had been riding the bike path that runs from the South Platte Trail west out to Lakewood. Anthony had gotten off the path and was riding in a bike lane down 10th Avenue.

He had chosen to ride 10th Avenue because there is a wide, demarcated section of the road, a bike and parking lane, that is used by motorists and cyclists who are trying to avoid being in/slowing down traffic.  Anthony had just advanced east from the stop light at 10th Ave and Sheridan.  

The bike and parking lane begins just past Zenobia Street.  As Anthony got closer to Cowell Elementary School, more and more parked cars were in the lane, and he was forced out into the car traffic section of the road. In addition,  he was trying to be mindful of the school zone speed limit and had slowed to middling speed as denoted by this graphic from his Garmin:


Anthony returned to the parking/bike lane past Utica Street. Right then and there, an SUV that had just passed him seconds earlier turned right into the alley just in front of Anthony.  The driver did not signal the turn or yield to him. Anthony crashed into the back passenger corner of the Acura RDX and was thrown from his bicycle. 

Anthony was terrified as he smashed into the back of the car.  “I thought I might break my neck and die. I literally thought ‘My neck is breaking’ as the impact was made.  As I lay on the pavement, I wiggled my toes in my shoes and realized I wasn’t paralyzed and I could still breathe, so then I was just really really mad,” explained Anthony.

He lay in the street for several minutes because he didn’t want to move knowing that this could cause paralysis after an impact. However, bystanders moved him out of the road to the sidewalk.  Anthony was  disoriented, and a person asked if he wanted to have 911 called. He nodded his head “yes” because he was feeling very shaken up and was worried that he was hurt worse than he could tell.  Anthony called his wife. Fire and EMS responded as well as Denver PD. EMS determined that he was not in critical danger and could ride to Denver Health Urgent Care with his wife who was on the way to the scene.

The driver claimed that she did not see Anthony, that he came out of nowhere, and that he was faster than she thought. The Denver Police Department cited the driver with careless driving. 

Anthony was diagnosed with a concussion, back muscle strains, neck muscle strain, and a sprained left ring finger.  “I am extremely blessed that I didn’t break any bones.  My muscles did suffer massive strains and I felt like I had been hit by a truck the next day, mostly because I had been hit by a tiny truck,” said Anthony. He was on bed rest for a week due to the concussion. Anthony missed work from January 22 - February 2, 2020, as he was unable to perform tasks needed to manage the service department. “I felt stressed that I was missing work right after getting promoted to a manager’s position.”

His wife has had to deal with the majority of the insurance issues as they have coverage through her work.  Anytime the health insurance company had a question or conflict with something, they did not call me, they called her, because she is the primary contact on the policy. “This stressed the hell out of her,” said Anthony. She also missed work when he was concussed because Anthony needed to be monitored just in case he had brain bleeds.


Anthony appeared in court on June 29th, 2020 to testify at the driver’s hearing. She represented herself and was trying to dodge being at fault. Anthony said that she tried to insinuate that he was not paying attention because he was wearing headphones.  “Imagine her surprise when I said that was impossible because I always pull off the ear bud silicon cover on my left ear so that I don’t ride with an ear bud in the ear that is closest to traffic.  That is a little trick a police officer in Omaha, NE told me about. This way the driver can’t even play like you had an ear bud in because it won’t stay in your ear!”

The driver was found guilty of careless driving and was assessed four points to her license. She paid $135.00 in fines and fees.  “It was only four points on her license and she got to keep her driving privileges.  I was surprised … but that is the state of affairs until those who write the laws start taking road cycling seriously as a means of transport.” 

Once again, we have a situation here where we have adequate laws on the books- the VRU law, among others - but we have city attorneys and DAs unwilling to use those laws fully. Anytime a plea deal is offered like it was here, the laws we fight so hard for, go unused, un-utilized. Driving behavior will not change until DAs and City Attorneys start taking away drivers’ licenses... until the PRIVILEGE of driving is suspended for a period of time.
— Megan Hottman

Anthony feels that the outcome of the civil case was fair, and that he was compensated well for his injuries and his bicycle. However, he said it is hard to feel like the justice system is taking cyclists being hit seriously when the drivers who hit cyclists are allowed to keep their licenses. He is reminded of something an EMT professor said in class once: “Don’t call car crashes accidents. It’s not an accident when someone is being careless, distracted, or an a-hole. That’s just someone causing a car crash.”

Until the justice system feels the same way, cyclists need to be diligent in everything they do on the roads.


The crash has affected how Anthony feels about riding his bike in general. “I can’t ride in traffic because I fear getting cut off again.”  He frequently discusses moving from Denver, because he wants to live in a smaller town with fewer people and, thus, fewer cars on the roads. Anthony is seriously considering uprooting his family and moving to Grand Junction, CO, because people tell him that GJ is what Denver and Boulder were like “in the good ole days.” 

While not afraid to ride his bike, Anthony is much more hesitant to proceed on his course when cars pass him now.  “I find myself instinctively using the brakes when a car passes me.  I do not trust drivers to have common sense anymore.” Anthony has greatly altered his route to work. He tries to only use Denver bike lanes as that is a clear lane of travel with solid white lines meant to deter drivers from entering his lane of travel.  However, he still sees drivers ignore this paint and drive wherever they please.  This has led him to do most of his training rides in more rural areas, like the Eastern Plains, or beyond the front range mountains deeper into the Rockies.  This means that Anthony drives his car more just to get to a place where he feels safe riding.  

If Anthony could speak to the driver directly, he would say the following:

“How much time did you save now? You were trying to fly past me in a school zone and bank a hard right turn at just under 30 mph, with your baby in the car! For what? To shave fifteen seconds off your afternoon commute time? You told me you were just trying to drop your baby off and then go back to the school to pick up your kid or something. The exponential growth of your poor time management is astounding.  You didn’t give yourself enough time to do the things you felt you needed to do as a parent, and rushed around in a car trying to make up for lost time. How much time did you lose after you hit me? You lost the time of giving a statement to the police officer that day. You lost the time trying to find a lawyer to defend your indefensible case. You lost the time acting as your own defense in court. You lost the time making a statement to your insurance company for the settlement.  You lost hours of your life trying to get back 15 seconds.  Next time, just wait for me to pass and those lost 15 seconds will save you hours of lost life.”

Anthony wants all cyclists to know to carry underinsured motorist coverage on their own insurance policies and to get their insurance ducks in a row. He also recommends contacting a lawyer right away as the process can be long. “The sooner a lawyer is calling people on your behalf the quicker it will be finished.”

Are Bike Helmets Required?

Answer: … it depends (says every lawyer, ever, about any question asked). ;)

This is a wonderful review of this topic thanks to our Content & Communications Manager, Maureen. We hope you find it helpful and that you’ll share it with any new(er) cyclists you may know!

Bike ridership across the country is up, as many people are looking for alternative ways to stay fit with many gyms and fitness centers closed due to COVID-19.  Biking has also become an acceptable social distancing activity and an alternative mode to public transportation. Many families are turning to the bike to get outdoors with their kids, as many pools are closed and playgrounds have been roped off.  People are dusting off their bikes, fixing them up, and heading outside. 

Bike shops can hardly keep up with the demand for new bikes. “Basic adult bicycles, known in the industry as ‘leisure’ bicycles, have seen double and triple-digit sales increases,” according to The NDP Group, a market research company in Port Washington, New York.  Adult leisure bike sales were up 121% in March. 

Denver has seen a significant increase in bicyclists on trails. South Platte Park reported a 93% increase in bikes on the South Platte River Trail.  It is incredible, truly a dream come true for cycling.  We are excited to see so many more bicyclists.

If you are new to biking or getting on the bike again after a long hiatus (welcome back!), it is important to know the bicycling laws in your state. Even if you are an experienced cyclist, you might need a refresher or learn about recently passed laws (SB20-061) that make biking safer.  Check out the Bicycling Manual - A Guide to Safe Bicycling from the Colorado Department of Transportation for rules of the road. You can also get more information on state and local laws for Colorado and Arizona on our website under Cycling Laws. If you live outside of Colorado, visit your motor vehicle department’s website. 

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Recently, we got a question about helmet laws, specifically for children in Colorado:

“Could you tell me what the Colorado laws are for young children and bikes? In the Netherlands, they start biking with their children in trailers at six to eight weeks, but in the US the general consensus seems to be to wait until your child is a year old. I am wondering what the laws are around biking and helmets for young children.”

There is no federal law in the U.S. requiring bicycle helmets for any cyclist. Helmet laws vary by state and even local jurisdiction and are mostly limited to children, usually under the age of 18 in many states.  In 21 states and the District of Columbia, bicyclists are required to wear a helmet depending on their age. For example, in Pennsylvania, it is a state law that all cyclists under the age of 12 must wear a helmet, while in Delaware, the age requirement is 18. Twenty nine states do not have a statewide law regarding helmet use. Colorado is one of these states with one exception:

Bicycle Helmet Laws by State - www.iihs.org

Bicycle Helmet Laws by State - www.iihs.org

Currently, the law in Colorado (C.R.S. § 42-4-1412(15)(b)) only requires bicycle helmets when a cyclist is operating a class 3 electric bike, which is defined as “an electric bike offering motor assistance only while the rider pedals, up to 28 miles per hour.” All riders or passengers on a class 3 electric bike under the age of 18 must wear a protective helmet specifically designed for bicyclists. The law goes on to say that the protective helmet must conform to the design and specifications set by the United States consumer product safety commission or the American Society for Testing and Materials and must be properly secured on the cyclist’s or passenger’s head with a chin strap while the class 3 electrical assisted bicycle is in motion.

If you are in the market for a bike helmet, consider some of the following advice from our Bike Ambassadors:

Fit and Budget -  Fit is definitely important to several of our Bike Ambassadors.  Ben says fit is greater than everything else.  “It's great to have a budget, but the $100 helmet might fit better than the $50 one, even though you were only planning on spending $50.  Vice versa. You might want the coolest, newest, $300 helmet, but the $100 one might fit you better, and that's what you should go with.  Go to a local shop, try a ton on, and pick whatever fits best.”

Marieke agrees and says a helmet that fits well is a helmet that you will wear. “I like to try my helmet on before I buy it, make sure that it doesn’t wobble too much or sits lopsided. What happens when you shake your head? It also should not be too tight because nobody wants a headache. I like a light helmet, so that I notice it as little as possible. There are many helmets out there, and everybody has a different head shape. Try something that works best for you. My experience is that the cheapest deal is not necessarily the best fit (unfortunately), but it is worth spending the extra money so that you will actually wear it.  Another note is that I always hang it on my handlebar, so that I don't forget to put it on when I go out for a ride.” 

Drew says, “Fit is most important. The helmet should be snug, and you should be able to see your skin move when you rotate the helmet - it should still be comfortable.  Make sure to try the helmet on with a cap as well if you wear one when riding.  Every company has a slightly different shape helmet, so give a few a try to find what's most comfortable for you - your local bike shop should be able to help with fitting as well!” Drew recommends splurging on a helmet because your head is the most valuable thing you take riding with you every single time. He says you can always save elsewhere. Finally, make sure you always buckle your helmet, and that the buckle is snug under your chin;  it should not be able to slip up and over your chin.

Safety standards -  Mel emphasizes to make sure your helmet meets safety standards. Many out there do not. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has guidelines.  “Fit is important, but matters not if it won’t protect you in a crash,” explains Mel.

  1. MIPS - Multi-directional Impact Protection System -  Both Megan and Drew brought up this system, which is found inside the helmet, generally between the comfort padding and the EPS (a high-quality foam used to reduce energy). It is a brain protection system. Drew says, “MIPS technology (or Spin with Poc) are really cool and have been shown to have some benefit limiting rotational trauma (which can cause a lot of serious concussions) so it's worth checking out. These helmets are usually more expensive (and MIPS is licensed to a wide range of companies) and is absolutely not necessary, but is a nice feature.”

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Learn more about MIPS and see some video demonstrations of this incredible technology, here: https://mipsprotection.com/

Helmet Light - Think about a helmet light if riding at night in addition to any lights on your bikes.  It will make riding more fun and make you more visible.

Helmet Replacement - Replace your helmet frequently. Drew says not to let your helmet languish in your garage for years. Technology improves and various foams break down in the elements. Also, replace your helmet after a crash, even if there are no visible signs of damage.

Consider buying the right helmet for your riding style/discipline. Helmets for mountain biking are different from helmets for road biking. If you’ll mainly be riding on roads, consider a high-visibility helmet.

Check out this helmet fact sheet put together by the Center for Disease Control for information on what to look for and what to avoid when buying a helmet for your child or teenager.

 Cycling is on the rise and soaring in popularity. We hope it stays this way and encourage you to spend as much time on your bikes as possible. There are so many benefits:  biking helps boost mental health, keeps you active and fit, and gets you outdoors. Keep on biking!

Be Part of the Change - Become a Bike Advocate!

Everyday People Can Affect Change in Their Community


Amy Kenreich has not always been a bike advocate. In fact, she says that she fell into bike advocacy almost by chance in 2017 when she helped organize a bike rodeo at her childrens’ elementary school. The rodeo was a success with both kids and adults showing up to have fun on their bikes. This got her thinking. Why weren’t more people riding their bikes to the grocery store or to a coffee shop on a regular basis? 

About this time, a friend of Amy’s encouraged her to apply to the Mayor’s Bicycle Advisory Committee (MBAC). Amy felt that Denver had some problems to solve with its bike network, and that family biking was under-represented on the committee. This led her to apply, and she now serves on the committee. Amy is advocating for change to make cycling safer in Colorado and has been a strong supporter of adding protected bike lanes to S. Marion St. Parkway.

In 2017, Denver voters approved a 10-year, $937 million bond, which is called the Elevate Denver Bond Program, to improve Denver’s infrastructure: namely, roads, sidewalks, parks, recreation centers, libraries, cultural centers, public-owned buildings, health and safety facilities. The Elevate Bond Program dedicates $18 million to the design and construction of 50 miles of neighborhood bikeways and protected bike lanes, so-called high comfort bikeways. The S. Marion St. Parkway High Comfort Bikeway project is one of 500 projects included in the bond program. It will add a protected bike lane on S. Marion Street from E. Bayaud Avenue to E. Virginia Avenue. South Marion St. Parkway links to other bikeways (Downing St Path, Cherry Creek Trail, Washington Park Loop, E Exposition Ave, S Franklin St), provides routes to schools (Steele Elementary, South High School, DU), and makes parks accessible according to the City and County of Denver. 


A Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) survey of Metro-Denverites (2018), concluded that 59 percent are interested in riding their bikes on Denver streets but are concerned. However, 75 percent indicated that they would ride a bicycle if they had the option of a network of high comfort bikeways according to the survey results. A high comfort bikeway includes a horizontal buffer, a vertical element such as flexposts or planters, and high visibility markings of conflict areas such as intersections. The protected bikeways provide a buffer between the cyclist and passing traffic.

Studies show that protected bikeways have many advantages. Among them are:

  • Reducing/eliminating dooring issues

  • Providing greater safety, reducing number of collisions, resulting in fewer injuries

  • Reducing/eliminating parking and loading conflicts

  • Promoting more biking and less driving

  • Reducing traffic congestion

  • Boosting economic growth

Amy had a difficult time understanding why anyone would oppose a protected bike lane, especially in front of an elementary school. She lives four blocks away from this project and often takes her kids to the playground at Steele Elementary. She also rides S. Marion Street Parkway to reach the Cherry Creek Trail. 


When Alexis Bounds was struck and killed, it made Amy mad and terrified. “Because I have been on the MBAC and because I know about Vision Zero, I just couldn’t sit by and do nothing,” she says. 

First, she attended a meeting where discussions were held about the protected bike lane on S. Marion Street Parkway. “Unfortunately, the first public meeting turned into an ‘us vs. them’ debate between neighborhood bicyclists and residents who live in the tower apartment buildings at the base of S. Marion Street Parkway,” she says.

The arguments that Amy heard against the S. Marion Street Parkway Bikeway were: 

  • It is a beautiful street, and I think the protected bike lane will ruin that. 

  • I think it is fine the way it is (even after Alexis’ death).

  • It could interfere with Steele Elementary school loading.

  • Marion has a historic designation, and it is against those guidelines to put in vertical separation.

  • I think this will make cyclists go even faster, and one of these days they are going to run over my elderly mother.

  • I think it will interfere with loading at my building.

  • I think it will prevent emergency services from accessing my building.

Amy says that it was especially frustrating to keep up with the mis-information: 

  • But cyclists break the law! (Actually cyclists and drivers break the law at the same rate.)

  • “Our” street is perfect the way it is. (No one person owns the street in front of their home.)

  • It will lower my property value. (False, according to the National Association of Realtors)

  • It will remove parking. (No plan ever included removing parking.)

Soon after, Amy received an invitation to meet with District 6 City Councilman Paul Kashmann. In preparation for their meeting, Amy conducted an experiment at the Washington Park playground. She took her kids there along with some paper and markers. While they played, Amy spoke to parents and caretakers about the planned protected bike lane. There was an overwhelmingly positive reaction to the project. She left the playground with letters from parents and drawings from children.

Amy brought some of her favorites to Kashmann to illustrate the support for the project and also to highlight the obvious—who this protected bike lane was really going to protect. “In my opinion, the voices opposed were forgetting about some of our most vulnerable road users—children trying to get to school,” explains Amy. 

When she learned that there was a petition circulating against the project, Amy decided to reach out to the person orchestrating it. She met with the concerned neighbor in her home, and together they watched the street below from the woman’s balcony near the top of the north tower. As the neighbor pointed out bicyclists who rolled through the stop signs, Amy also saw cars roll through them without stopping. Her goal was to listen to her nieghbor. “I truly thought that if she met me—one of those cyclists she described as irresponsible—and if I listened to her, that she would see the humanity of the issue at hand.” 

Amy also wanted to make sure she heard and understood the neighbor’s perspective. If nothing else, this was an opportunity for Amy to learn where she was coming from and correct any inaccuracies. 

Over the summer, Amy met one-on-one with more people opposed to the project and joined a stakeholder meeting held by the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI). She spoke to many more people who were in favor of the project. She begged each one to come to the next public meeting.


As time went on, Amy got more and more involved. She had the opportunity to speak to one of the local news stations about the project. Amy rode her two children over to the Steele Playground, and she and her friend, Tenly Williams, told the reporter how excited they were for the students who want to bike to Steele Elementary and for all the commuters who would ride through this area to reach the Cherry Creek Trail path. The majority of students at Steele live within a 1.5 mile radius of the school. 

Amy and fellow bike advocate Adam Meltzer were invited to speak at the East Washington Park Neighborhood Association meeting. They put together a one-page handout that collated the major project info and corrected the “fake news” floating around about the project. Her goal that night was to provide facts and answer questions. The short presentation turned into a 2.5 hour question/answer session.

On the morning of Alexis’ death, Amy was part of a Denver Streets Partnership video that was made to promote the benefits of the project. “I was in shock 24 hours later when I returned to S. Marion Street to talk to a couple of news stations about the crash,” says Amy. The petition organizers were on the scene, too. Amy’s message was quite different from theirs. One of them told a reporter, “I just don’t think they need that protection” while standing on the corner where Alexis had been killed.

The next day, Amy got an email from some of the petition organizers explaining that if only the city would put in a stop sign, this tragic “accident” could have been prevented. At that point, Amy had to ask them for some space. It was more than she could handle. 

Later in the fall, Amy presented a quick update at the Steele Elementary PTA meeting. She did not get many questions, and it seemed that most people either did not have a strong opinion or were content with the project plans. 

Finally, with the help of Tenly Williams, Amy designed some flyers advertising the second public meeting and sent them out to other bike advocates to place on bikes throughout the area. 


Early in November 2019, the city held a second public meeting about this project. The design was at 60 percent at that time, and they again collected feedback from attendees. The room was full; this time the crowd included a majority of people who were in favor of the project. The city is currently finalizing the design and construction is planned for 2020. 

Amy encourages people in Denver to follow the Bicycling in Denver page. For a list of upcoming public meetings, check out News and Updates. “One of the best things you can do is attend these meetings and make your voice heard,” says Amy. Another way you can help is to submit feedback on the same site. DOTI really does read and tally up all comments that come in on a project. For the S. Marion St. Parkway Bikeway project, the city showed a slide of all the types of feedback that came in, and it clearly showed that the number one priority was the safety of bicyclists and pedestrians. “Your voice matters, and it doesn’t take much time to make sure it’s heard.”

Another site to watch is the Denver Bicycle Lobby. They post the Denver bike lane public meeting dates on their site and also host meetups and organize efforts to support bicycle advocacy in Denver. 

I have learned quite a bit working on the Marion project and plan to use that knowledge to help other communities make their streets safer for vulnerable road users by supporting similar projects.”

Safe and Legal Group Rides - The Dos and Don’ts

It’s that time of the year again when we start seeing more cyclists on the road. Spring has sprung, and cyclists are ready to dust off their bikes and put some miles on them.

As cyclists are out enjoying the change of seasons, motorists will need to pay close attention when driving near cyclists, especially when navigating around group rides.

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These rides are often a great source of frustration to motorists, especially in areas such as canyon roads, where there is little room to pass or no bike lane or shoulder for cyclists. Often, groups even take over the whole lane, riding four to five riders abreast, which makes it nearly impossible to pass safely.

We have nothing against group rides—even hard, fast group rides. Honestly, that is how most of us get faster and better. However, group rides often lack the etiquette and behavior of an organized race.

Recently, we were asked about correct and safe protocol for group rides. Two abreast? Single pace line? How many riders in a group? When can a cyclist take the lane?

Let’s begin by assessing these questions from the standpoint of a motorist.  If you were driving behind your group ride, how would you feel? If you feel like you could safely pass the group, then that is a win. If you feel really conflicted, confused, or nervous because the cyclists are riding erratically or in a disorganized fashion where you cannot predict what they are about to do, then that group ride is a fail.

Next, from a legal standpoint, cyclists have all the same rights and obligations as the operator of a motor vehicle. Cyclists can ride on all roads other than certain portions of interstates.

In Colorado, cyclists can ride two abreast but not more than two abreast unless riding in a bike lane. Two abreast is really intended to be handlebar-to-handlebar, not eternity between two bikes. If you do not have the skill to ride side by side (as is sometimes the case with new riders), then you should ride single file.

You can only ride two abreast if you are not impeding the normal and reasonable flow of traffic. What does impede mean? Law enforcement we have worked with define impede as five or more cars backed up behind your group.

If you are riding two abreast, or if the group is a two-by-two line of ten riders deep, and a car is behind you that has to slow down and wait before passing you, that is not considered impeding traffic. However, if you have five or more cars starting to back up behind you causing trouble or traffic chaos, that is considered an impede. Law enforcement will pull the whole group over and write tickets if they observe this. They can cite everyone in the group, not just the people to the left. Law enforcement phones blow up with calls from motorists calling to complain about group rides e.g. too many cyclists riding abreast in a single lane, or swarming the shoulder, or taking two lanes of the road.


Should you be riding single file or two abreast in canyons? This is a judgement call. If you are not impeding anyone, then you are fine riding up a canyon two abreast. If you start to notice cars backing up behind you, then go single file, because that is what the law requires. Yes, cycling is a social sport. It is more fun to climb next to a friend. However,  if it is a high traffic day, or if you are riding in hot tension areas, especially when you are climbing and going slower than a car, we recommend riding single file.

When can a cyclist take the lane? We have a pro-cyclist statute in Colorado— a cyclist must ride as far to the right as deemed safe by the cyclist and is justified in taking the lane anytime to avoid obstacles on the road, parked cars, or if the lane is too narrow for both a vehicle and a bike. In most states, motorists must give cyclists a three-foot buffer. If it is a narrow lane and there is not enough room in the lane for a car, the three-foot buffer, and the cyclist, the cyclist should take the lane to avoid being sideswiped. “Impede” is not associated with a single cyclist taking the lane.

Try to read the driver you are dealing with. If you feel that your group is going to be in danger, because taking the lane is going to set off the driver, pull over to the side of the road. It makes more sense to pull over and let that one car go by.

What is the gold standard for a group ride in terms of size? Groups should be small enough to be in control, ideally 10-20 riders. A well-oiled Tour de France team could be 20-25 riders as they take up a very minimal footprint on the road. Newer riders will take up more of a footprint, as they will have more space between the riders, between the handlebars, and will be more spread out.

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If you organize a group ride, govern your group rides strictly. Remember that you are on display. The bigger the group, the more attention people will pay. The worse the behavior, the more magnified it becomes. It is guilt by association. If someone is doing something dangerous or risky on your ride, your whole group is getting lumped into that.

Guidelines we follow when organizing a group ride:

  • Keep the size of the group small enough to be in control (8-10 riders).

  • Know your riders and their levels. Put the strong riders in the front and back and the weaker riders in rows two, three, and four, etc.

  • Take ownership of the group ride. Go over the rules and expectations before the ride begins.

  • Make sure riders follow the rules. Call people out when they do something inappropriate. If they repeat the behavior, do not invite them back to the next ride.

Tom Danielson, founder of CINCH Coaching, agrees that one person must take ownership of the group ride. When he leads a ride, he calls himself the “ref,” and has even worn a ref jersey.

You become the ref, the pilot. You’re the person in charge of the ride, and you take full ownership. A lot of these group rides, there’s no one doing that.
— Tom Danielson

Tom says that it is important for the person to call it out from the beginning of the ride: introduce yourself, say that you are the person in charge of the ride, and list the rules of the ride.

“If you are in the front, you are the bus driver,” he says. “You are fully responsible for all the passengers behind you.”  It is your responsibility to point things out e.g. obstacles, slow down in advance of stop signs, or hit the brakes early before the stop sign. In the back, you are the eyes of the group. When you are in the back, you are solely responsible for all the cars behind you. For example, if the group is bunching, it is your responsibility as the “caboose” to ride up to the bus driver to communicate the problem e.g. “a little more to the right” or “car back”.

Photo courtesy of CINCH Cycling - Police escort in front of a group ride

Photo courtesy of CINCH Cycling - Police escort in front of a group ride

For larger group rides, Tom recommends hiring a police escort to drive out in front of the group ride. This allows for a bigger group and for the group to use the entire road, because the police are up front. The group ride becomes safer and legal, and the community joins in. “When we had the police in front of our group, all those drivers give you a thumbs up and they cheer you on. They want to watch,” he says.

Tom admits that cycling has changed a lot since the 80s when group rides first started. He attributes this to fewer cars on the road back then. Cars were not going as fast. Group rides consisted of ten riders. Etiquette was far more enforced among riders. “We all want group rides to continue. It’s part of the cycling culture, but things have to change.”

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When it comes time for your group ride this season, remember to practice safe riding and follow the rules of the road. Avoid dangerous situations with motorists when possible. Put yourself in the driver’s shoes when you are on a group ride. Ask yourself how you would feel as a motorist behind your own group ride.

Check out this video on group riding that we worked on with the Golden Police Department.

Want to Change Your Commuting Habits? What about a Cargo Bike?

Trying to figure out how to leave your car in the garage more often and spend less time behind the wheel? The answer might just be a cargo bike.

 Cargo bikes have been around since the early 20th century and were originally used by tradesmen to deliver goods before the invention of the automobile. Nowadays, they are extremely popular in Europe and Asia and are used for both recreational and business purposes:  taking kids to school, transporting groceries, family bike rides, and for delivering mail and packages.

 Using cargo bikes can cut down on noise and air pollution. They can be quicker than using cars or delivery vans. Finding parking is also not as difficult in the city. Of course, there is also the health benefit to riding a bike. It is a great way to get in shape!

Despite their practicality, cargo bikes are less frequently used in North America, although they are slowly starting to catch on in the United States.

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 UPS, which started in Seattle in 1907 as a bicycle messenger company, announced last year that it would start using electric cargo bicycles to deliver packages in Pike Place Market and downtown Seattle in order to reduce congestion.

Denverite Melissa Colonno is a huge fan of cargo bikes and bought hers in October 2017. While living in Seattle from 2008-2012, Melissa and her husband biked a lot and remember seeing several longtail cargo bikes. Around the time their first child arrived in 2012, Melissa started seeing Madsen (a US brand) “bucket bikes” on social media and immediately wanted one.

As her family grew, Melissa tried out various ways to transport her children.

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“When our first child was around one year old, we bought a Yepp bike seat to bike with her around Denver. This worked well. Then, when we were about to have our second child, we bought a Chariot stroller that could also be a bike trailer. We used this frequently to bike with our two kids.”  Melissa has always been intrigued by cargo bikes and once she was pregnant with her third child, she became even more resolved to get one!

When it came time to buy a cargo bike, Melissa and her husband did more research and decided they wanted a tricycle with the cargo box in the front.

She wanted to feel very stable while riding and stopping and wanted to be able to see her kids without having to turn around.
Melissa ordered a Nihola 4.0 with a BionX e-assist from a bike shop in Sacramento, California called from Practical Cycles. They import Niholas from Copenhagen, Denmark.

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The Nihola is unique among trikes in that the steering is independent of the cargo, meaning that you do not have to move the weight of the cargo to steer; Melissa adds that is not difficult to ride or steer. It maneuvers very much like a “regular” bike. However, it might not have quite the same speed and maneuverability as an inline (two wheeled) cargo bike. People who are used to high-speed road bikes may prefer an inline cargo bike to a trike. Since her cargo bike has an electric assist, she can go plenty fast if necessary, but usually she goes slower to stay safe and enjoy the ride.

The Nihola 4.0 has two bench seats which easily fit four children. The maximum load of the cargo box is 265 pounds. There are two Y-harnesses and a lap belt. Both benches are removable, so they currently have one bench removed so that their youngest can sit in a car seat for extra support.

Why choose a cargo bike over a trailer? Melissa says that a trailer worked well enough for transporting her kids. However, a cargo bike is far superior in her opinion. The bike is always ready to go since you do not have to deal with hooking the trailer to the bike. In a cargo bike, the kids are closer to the rider, and usually have a better view of the things around them, which makes the riding experience more enjoyable. Also, trailers get very heavy to pull as the weight of your children increases.

Owning a cargo bike has dramatically affected her car use. She is driving significantly less since purchasing her cargo bike. Her goal is to bike anywhere within a three-mile radius unless the roads are too icy, or there is another safety concern. Since Melissa and her family live near downtown Denver, they can get to many things by bike!

Melissa uses her cargo bike regularly to transport her two oldest kids to and from school, but they use it for many other purposes, too! She frequently uses the cargo bike to run errands; it fits all her family’s groceries! She uses the bike anytime they go somewhere that is just a bit too far to walk. If Melissa and her husband are going to the park for a picnic, they will take the cargo bike, so they can transport their food and lawn chairs. Basically, they use it for carrying all kinds of cargo!

She’s often amazed that biking to places does not take that much longer than driving, and you rarely have to worry about parking! Most importantly, biking makes for a much more enjoyable journey.

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Generally, people are really excited when they see the cargo bike according to Melissa. They get a lot of stares and some comments; almost always positive. People often say things like “nice set-up!” or “can I get a ride?” Occasionally, people will ask more specifics about where they got it or what the brand is. Melissa tries to “sell” one to everyone who is interested!

In her opinion, so many people would benefit from replacing some of their driving with biking. “Getting outside and being physical has such a positive impact on your quality of life. We live in such a car-centric society, but it hasn’t always been that way and it isn’t in many parts of the world. People sometimes question the safety of my bike set up, but I’m quick to point out that driving is not without risks.”

If you are interested in buying a cargo bike, you should definitely do your research. There are many websites, Facebook groups, and bike shops that can provide advice. Depending on how you plan to use your bike and what type of cargo you want to carry, there are many options from utility bikes to cargo tricycles to electric cargo bikes. New bikes are coming out all the time, so there is definitely a good option for everyone. A cargo bike is a financial investment; but much cheaper than a car!

Melissa Colonno is the author of DELIBERATE.LESS. She provides day-to-day tips on reducing household waste and creating a life that strives to be less hectic. Melissa is passionate about decreasing her family’s waste and environmental footprint by making informed and intentional choices. Melissa holds educational sessions about reducing household waste to individuals, school groups, and professionals.

A Close Call -The Importance of Bike Cameras


“Education and awareness are always the way to go and the results can be most rewarding for all. I hope this helps everyone become better bike ambassadors on the roads, paths and trails.”

Guest Post by Gerry Stephenson – Cyclist, Commuter, and Bike Ambassador

*Gerry uses the Cycliq front and back bike cameras.

Hi, my name is Gerry and I have been cycling since 2001. Presently, I commute to and from work about eight to nine months a year and have been doing so the last four to five years. My route varies from 10-12 miles and includes both road and bike paths. When I ride, I always try to be a safe rider and educate others when it makes sense.

While commuting home on June 29th, 2018, I was riding north on a neighborhood street approaching a T-intersection. It was late afternoon; traffic was very light. I noticed a car and a fire truck preparing to come on the road behind me. The car passed with plenty of room before the intersection and my impending right turn. However, to my surprise, the fire truck driver decided that they had enough room to pass me only to turn right in front of me with clearly not enough space. I had to brake hard to avoid being hit. It should be noted that the fire truck had no flashing lights or sirens on at the time.  

Footage captured from Gerry’s Cycliq bike camera.

Footage captured from Gerry’s Cycliq bike camera.

I did not attempt to confront the driver or squeeze in to the right of the truck. I did swear and was very upset at this close call. Knowing that I had this entire incident recorded with my Cycliq bike cameras (front and rear mounted cameras), I chose to wait until I got home and review the video and decide what to do. Cooler heads always prevail, and my focus is always on educating others, be it drivers or cyclists, in times like these. After reviewing the video, it was very clear that the fireman was at fault for not allowing me the three-foot rule, and I felt that they did not realize the actual size of the vehicle they were driving.

I emailed the fire department and very politely explained what had happened and included the video of the close call. I never once mentioned that I wanted the driver of the fire truck reprimanded or charged. What I asked for was an apology, and that this video be used to show and teach the department to be mindful of cyclists. Later that evening or possibly the next day, I received an email from the fire department apologizing and promising to add this video footage to their department training. This incident was reported by the liaison to the fire department commander as well.

First response from the fire department’s liaison:

“Hi Gerry,

First let me send you my apologies for the incident with our department, I have notified the Lieutenant and Battalion Chief on duty the day of your incident and the Chief of Staff is aware and corrective actions will be taken.

I will make sure the Chief gets your video and we will be sure to use it as a training piece in our driver/operator program so this never happens again.”

 Second email from the liaison:

“I believe a lesson learned/corrective action is being written, then it will go to the whole Department, then I believe the Fire Chief will send it to you.”

My Email:

“Hi, I truly appreciate your timely response and apology. I try my best to be very viable and obey all the rules of the road while cycling and all I ask in return is that all drivers do the same. So that you know I have a great contact for training in the matters of cycling and traffic laws. Her name is Megan Hottman; she is a lawyer that helps educate everyone on the laws of Colorado. She has done many classes all over the state for law enforcement and the cycling community. If you are interested I can put you in contact with her. Thank you again.”

 A couple of weeks later, I received another email confirming that the fire department had in fact updated their training for the entire department and would be sharing this training with other towns.

“Here is the ‘Lessons Learned’ that was made from your incident. It has been made required training for all crews on our department and was reviewed by all the command staff.”

The following is an excerpt from ‘Lessons Learned’:

Background: In June, a fire truck was responding non-emergent to a commercial fire alarm in a neighboring district. While proceeding northbound on Main, fire truck passed a bicyclist as both were approaching a T intersection. Fire truck Engineer determined that, at the current speed, he could safely pass the bicyclist, and proceeded to do so. The pass and lane change were made into the right turn lane. Upon review of the video provided from the cyclist perspective, it appears that clearance was closer than intended.

Generic Corrective Actions:

1. A general review of the Colorado state laws regarding passing of a cyclist.

§ 42-4-1003. Overtaking a vehicle on the left

1. The following rules shall govern the overtaking and passing of vehicles proceeding in the same direction, subject to the limitations, exceptions, and special rules stated in this section and sections 42-4-1004 to 42-4- 1008:

a. The driver of a vehicle overtaking another vehicle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left of the vehicle at a safe distance and shall not again drive to the right side of the roadway until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle

b. The driver of a motor vehicle overtaking a bicyclist proceeding in the same direction shall allow the bicyclist at least a three-foot separation between the right side of the driver's vehicle, including all mirrors or other projections, and the left side of the bicyclist at all times.

c. Except when overtaking and passing on the right is permitted, the driver of an overtaken vehicle shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle on audible signal and shall not increase the speed of the driver's vehicle until completely passed by the overtaking vehicle.

2. Be diligent in making sure that the perspective and safety of the cyclist is given a greater regard.

·      Always be aware of the size of, and space needed for the engine to maneuver.

·      Be sure to maintain constant Situational Awareness (SA) while driving apparatus and avoid becoming complacent about driving responsibilities due to mental focus on the incident the apparatus has been dispatched to.

·      If there is any question as to the safety of a pass, yield to the cyclist, and do not pass.

Note: The name and city of the fire department in this incident have been omitted at their request as well as any public sharing of the video.

The Cycling Community Can Move Mountains!

A Positive Blog Post - By Maureen 


The Cycling Community Can Move Mountains!

Bike advocacy is everyone’s job, and sometimes it takes a village to move a mountain. Our incredible cycling community came together to support a fellow cyclist involved in a close call with a driver. The community pushed for change to make the roads safer for everyone and got results!

Here’s what happened.

What was supposed to be a fun group training ride turned into a frightening experience that left cyclists demanding action.

Helen Gardner, Manager of Big Ring Cycles, was training for a charity ride in Golden, CO this past July when a vehicle came within inches of the group of cyclists, which included a child on a tandem bike with her father and a disabled man in a trailer being pulled by Helen.

The group was riding single file on a two-lane road with Helen second in line. There was an oncoming car approaching in the opposite lane. Helen heard some of the cyclists behind her calling out to a driver who had just passed them.

As Helen passed through an intersection, she looked over to her left and saw a vehicle directly next to her, a vehicle being driven by a student driver. It was just about four inches from her. The vehicle was so close that Helen could have reached into the window and easily touched the driving instructor in the passenger seat.

The teenage driver looked terrified and was white knuckling the steering wheel.

Helen raised her hand to the instructor, pointed behind her at the trailer and said “This is not how this works!” At that point, the driving instructor started banging on the window and yelling at Helen.

“I was speechless. I couldn’t believe that just happened,” said Helen. “Was that really a driver’s ed teacher who yelled at me through his window with somebody else’s child in the car?”

As soon as the oncoming car in the opposite lane drove by, the student driver sped up and pulled away.

One of the cyclists in Helen’s group followed the car to get the vehicle information and take a picture of the license plate. Luckily, no one was injured, just a little shaken.

What should the driver have done? Waited…waited behind the cyclists until the oncoming car had passed. Then, the driver could have passed the cyclists safely giving them the required three-foot separation according to Colorado law. See C.R.S. 42-4-1003 (1) (b) for more information.

If a driver drives his or her vehicle unnecessarily close to, toward, or near a bicyclist, he/she is committing careless driving, which is a class 2 misdemeanor traffic offense.

The day after the incident, some of the cyclists on the ride posted about the incident on social media and contacted the driving school. When Helen contacted our office to discuss her options, our advice was to call the Jeffco Sheriff’s Department to report the incident.

Helen did just that and was told that if she filed a complaint, the driver would be issued a ticket. Helen felt bad for the student driver and didn’t feel it was his fault.

The sheriff’s department told her that another course of action would be to use social media to voice her concern, so she posted an account of what had happened on Facebook. Helen wanted to address the incident and make sure that it wouldn’t happen again. It didn’t sit well with her knowing that students were being taught that it’s OK to buzz by a group of cyclists.

“My next concern became this guy who is out in public teaching future drivers, teaching young people to drive. He clearly does not know the laws. He clearly doesn’t know the rules of the road, especially when it comes to keeping cyclists and his drivers safe,” Helen said.

The cycling community took to social media. Her story was shared over and over by the cycling community, she received support and encouragement, and many people took the time to review the driving school following her post. “The cycling community here was really impressive,” said Helen.

She eventually contacted Ben Pyatt, owner of the Arvada Driving School, by email and expressed her concern. She wanted him to know that a slap on the wrist was not sufficient.

Ben emailed her back the next day. He acknowledged that he was aware of the incident, apologized to her and was very sorry that it had happened. He informed her that the driving instructor had resigned his position after being with the school for over 14 years.

“We do take our business seriously, and learning to share the road with cyclists is a very important part of what we teach our students.   My oldest son is a professor at Regis University and rides to work 2 -3 times per week from Arvada to Regis University.  He often shares the negative interactions that he has with some motorists. His safety while cycling is always on my mind,” said Ben.

Overall, Helen was happy with the result and felt like the situation had been resolved. “I really just wanted an acknowledgement of what happened and I wanted an action for what happened. I felt relieved and like a resolution had been made.”

Our office contacted Ben and offered to provide a safe cycling/driving class to the driving instructors.

“We had Megan give her presentation on cyclists’ rights to reinforce how to expect to interact with cyclists as a refresher to our instructors. All of our instructors said that it was very worthwhile, ‘time well spent’.  Megan did a great job,” said Ben.

He also donated $900.00 to support Helen’s upcoming charity ride which supports inclusion for athletes with disabilities. Find out more about Helen and Noah's Big Adventure ride.

“Megan is one of those people that you love to know, love to have a connection with and hope that you never have to use as a cyclist,” said Helen. “I was so thankful for her guidance and support and her gentleness for handling the situation but for also taking the time to go and to educate these people on my behalf using her own time. I am forever grateful because I think we made a difference and I am happy about that.” 


When Cyclists Get Doored

By Megan & Maureen

Cyclists riding beside parked motor vehicles, whether in bike lanes or on roadways, are at serious risk of being “doored.” Dooring collisions happen when a driver or passenger opens a car door directly into a bicyclist’s line of travel.

As most states legally require a cyclist to ride as far to the right as practicable or as judged safe by the bicyclist, this often puts them directly in harm’s way, because they are riding in the door zone: the space taken up by the open door of a vehicle.

cyclist in bike lane.JPG

The bicyclist has no time to react and collides with the open car door. Sometimes, a cyclist may swerve into traffic to avoid running into a car door and, in the worst case, ends up being hit by an oncoming vehicle.

Dooring often occurs in urban, downtown areas where cars are parallel parked and where high levels of traffic and narrow lanes exist. Passengers getting out of taxi cabs, cars or ride-shares often open their doors without looking, which requires a bicyclist to be hyper-alert when riding in the door zone.

However, the law in every state instructs that a driver shall exercise caution when opening their door to exit their vehicle and shall check for overtaking traffic.  C.R.S. § 42-4-1207 - Opening and closing vehicle doors - states that “No person shall open the door of a motor vehicle on the side available to moving traffic unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so and can be done without interfering with the movement of other traffic; nor shall any person leave a door open on the side of a vehicle available to moving traffic for a period of time longer than necessary to load or unload passengers. Any person who violates any provision of this section commits a class B traffic infraction.”

Forty states have dooring laws. The ten states that do not are: Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia

Downtown Denver – Taxi Cab Blocking Bike Lane

Downtown Denver – Taxi Cab Blocking Bike Lane

While bike lanes are meant to make bicycling safer and to protect bicyclists from being involved in a motor vehicle collision, they do increase the chance of bicyclists being involved in a dooring crash.

Often, cars are illegally parked in bike lanes. Bicyclists are forced to navigate around the car or pay special attention to cars entering/leaving the lane. In some cases, the lane on the far right has been designated as both a bike lane as well as a parking lane.

Recently, we represented a client who lost a finger due to a dooring crash.  Our client was riding in the bike lane in Boulder.  The bike lane was positioned between car traffic lanes to her left and parked cars along the curb to her right.  She was smartly scanning the backs of car windows and checking side mirrors to look for any drivers in vehicles who might be exiting their vehicle.  As she approached a limo, she noted the windows were tinted.  She also saw what appeared to be the driver of the limo, leaning against the passenger side of the limo.  She dismissed the limo as a threat until suddenly without warning, the driver threw his door open to exit the vehicle.  Our client attempted to swerve to avoid the car door (knowing that she had overtaking vehicle traffic to her left) and as she did so, the ring on her right hand finger caught on the door handle of the limo. 

As her treatment evolved, she underwent numerous surgeries to try and lessen the nerve pain she was experiencing in her hand.  After all possible remedies were attempted, she had no choice but to have her middle finger amputated to stop the incessant and overwhelming pain in her hand. 

Of course, the insurance company for the driver attempted to paint this event as the cyclist’s fault – while acknowledging she was appropriately in the bike lane, and she was riding uphill at a slow pace, doing everything correctly, legally, and prudently -- they still tried to pin blame on her for somehow failing to avoid the opening door, or failing to steer around it.  Eventually, we obtained a very large settlement on her behalf, but it was only after lengthy litigation, at mediation which was a few months before trial.  Sadly, our client is now left permanently impaired by the loss of her finger, which impacted her ability to ride and race her bike, to swim (which was her lifelong sport and passion) and to compete in triathlon, which she loved.

We have heard other stories of drivers opening their door as a cyclist was riding by, causing the cyclist to crash into the inside of the driver door – one such story involved the cyclist being impaled by part of the handlebars because of the sudden and complete stop caused by impacting the non-moving/open car door. 

These types of collisions can be very serious and possibly deadly.  The real problem is that driver-side car doors are often RIGHT into or next to, the very bike lane built to protect cyclists! 

Protected Bike Lane in Downtown Denver

Protected Bike Lane in Downtown Denver

Ed Beighe of azbikelaw.org - a site dedicated to cycling, traffic safety, traffic justice and legal topics - reports that a bike lane in Durham, New Hampshire was actually removed after the death of a cyclist due to a dooring collision. Read more here.

Now – cyclists should note that in most states, there is no legal requirement that they must ride in the bike lane simply because a bike lane is present.  It is recommended, but not mandatory.  This means that if the cyclist judges it unsafe to ride in the bike lane next to parked cars, the cyclist can move left out of the bike lane and take the traffic lane. 

bike lane.JPG

What should drivers and passengers do?

·      Look in the rearview and side mirrors before opening the car door slowly and with caution.

·      Open the vehicle door with the arm furthest from the door. This allows the body to turn and check for bicyclists over the shoulder before exiting the car. This is referred to as the “Dutch Reach.”

·      Open the door a little and look back up the road for bikes and other vehicles.

Image courtesy of Bikeyface, www.bikeyface.com

Image courtesy of Bikeyface, www.bikeyface.com